In this workshop Swami Shankardev bring's his decades of experience to clearly and systematically elucidate vitals aspects of the Yoga Sutras with a view to furthering one's understanding and practice of Raja Yoga.
This workshop was conducted in four sessions held in February and March of 2021. Each session includes approximately an hour of lecture and thirty minutes of practice, followed by a discussion.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, which form the system of Raja Yoga, the King of Yogas, are a shining star in the pantheon of sacred yoga texts that illuminate the path to the Self. Though the techniques of Raja Yoga are difficult to master the Sutras summarize the essence of the highest yoga.
The first three sutras of Patanjali summarize the whole of the practical aspects of yoga philosophy as a philosophical system. The rest of the text is a manual of how to achieve union with the highest Self.
Raja Yoga is paired with Samkhya, the Indian system of cosmology, which is the theoretical basis on which all Indian philosophy is based. To really progress on the path of yoga it is helpful to know about Samkhya as it enables the aspirant to navigate the path from limited, conditioned ego consciousness, to awareness of the highest Self.
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Enrollment is for a period of six months from date of purchase.
Accredited Satyananda Yoga Teachers may use their discount codes at any time.
Workshop eligible for Continuing Education Hours towards accreditation and Yoga Alliance.
Swami Shankardev Saraswati
Workshop Curriculum
Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Handout
Session 1 Video
Session 1 - Meditation Recording
Samkhya Tattva Map
Session 2 Video
Session 2 - Meditation Recording
Session 3 Video
Session 3 - Meditation Recording
Session 4 Video
Session 4 - Meditation Recording
About this course
- $200.00
- 11 lessons
- 8.5 hours of video content