Group Course Starting May 13, 2023

Experience the power of pranayama to positively shape your whole being.

Prana is the basis of life and pranayama is the limb of  yoga most directly involved with managing prana. Grow your yoga practice by developing strong foundations in the theory of prana and the practice of pranayama. 

While learning the physical and subtle anatomy relevant to prana and pranayama, progress systematically through techniques to: 1. prepare the body for pranayama; 2. tune into the rhythm of your breath; 3. expand your breath capacity; 4. balance the pranic system; 5. vitalize the pranic system.

Learn to work with different mudras to refine the awareness and connect with pranic flows to deepen your practice through prana awareness practices and mudra pranayamas. 

This course approaches prana & pranayama within the framework and understanding as developed in the tradition of the Bihar School of Yoga.

This course is suitable for yoga practitioners at all levels, including teachers who want to develop a strong home practice of pranayama.

“When the yogic texts state that through pranayama one can control one’s circumstances and character, and harmonize the individual life with cosmic life, they are referring to the power of pranayama to bring about such an intrinsic transformation.”
-Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Enrollment Open

Join us for an information session about the course on April 29th. 

We will have a short practice and q&a. Register.


  • When can I start the course? How long do I have to complete the course?

    This course is offered as a group or cohort course. You may enroll at any time up until May 10th, 2023. The course starts on May 13th, 2023. You will have online access for six months from the course start date. We have designed the home study to be completed in approximately four months, so you will still have extra time, if needed, to finish the course.

  • What if I am Interested in Teacher Training?

    We may offer a teacher training module at a later time. If you are contemplating teacher training in pranayama, we recommend the you keep electronic copies of your home practice journal and any assignments as you may be required to submit these for review.

  • What if I'm already a yoga teacher?

    If you are a yoga teacher looking to complement your asana practice by developing a strong pranayama practice, this course is for you!

  • May I request a refund if I decide to drop out of the course?

    Please note that once you enroll in the course we will not issue any refunds should you decide to discontinue the course for any reason.

  • Does the course have live sessions with teachers?

    Yes! As part of your enrollment you will be able to join live Zoom sessions with senior teachers. Sessions will provide the opportunity to meet your fellow students and to ask questions about the course material and your home practice. More information provided in the course.

  • What are my payment options?

    For this course there is a single payment option of an upfront payment in full.

Course Features

  • Learn

    Learn the foundations of pranayama through fifteen lectures, video demos, extensive readings, and quizzes. Take a look at the course curriculum below for details of material covered.

  • Practice & Transformation

    Develop a home practice of pranayama using guided practices. Deepen your practice through prana awareness practices and mudra pranayamas. Experience how your pranayama practice can positively shape body, breath, and mind.

  • Live Zoom Sessions

    Join Zoom sessions with senior teachers to pose your questions, further develop your understanding and support your practice. Connect with others enrolled in the course. Details provided in course. (Optional)

  • Downloadable Materials

    Sixteen guided pranayama practice recordings. Standalone recordings for prana awareness. Home practice journal templates. Extensive course readings.

  • Duration

    Plan on approximately 30 hours of study over four months in addition to your assigned practice. Course accessible for six months from course start date.

  • Continuing Education Credits

    Eligibility to submit for 34 hours of continuing education non-contact hours and 1 contact hour for each Zoom session attended at Yoga Alliance upon completion of course (including all quizzes/ assignments).


Swami Atmarupa began studying Satyananda Yoga® in the early 1980’s. In 1995 she found deep spiritual connection through her guru, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. In 2015 she was named a founding Yoga Acharya of the Yoga Vidya Council representing the yoga teachings of the Bihar School of Yoga in India. She was the Founder and Director of the Atma Center, a yoga center established in 1997. She is the Education Director of the Yoga Academy of North America. She has conducted teacher training for YANA, training students from around world. Swami Atmarupa has taught internationally. In 2019, she was one of the primary presenters at the first International Yoga Nidra Conference held at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. She developed the Satyananda Yoga Nidra® home study and certification course.

Course Requirements

  • Props

    The following will be handy: a yoga mat and blankets or bolster, if needed, to support the body.

  • Key Text

    Prana and Pranayama by Swami Niranjananda Saraswati. This book is available for purchase on Amazon or may be read online for free. Details provided in course.

  • Assignments

    In addition to quizzes, which will be part of the course chapters, a short essay assignment will be required.

Course Curriculum

Enroll at your convenience. Progress at your own pace.

    1. Welcome!

    2. Question

    3. Course Preliminaries & Resources

    4. Course Progression

    5. Register for Live Sessions

    1. Session 1 - May 13th, 2023

    2. Session 2 - May 27th, 2023

    1. Overview

    2. PowerPoint Video Presentation

    3. Practice Downloads

    4. Practice Video - Sitting for Pranayama

    5. Practice Video - Pre-Pranayama Practices

    6. Practice Video - Palming the Eyes

    7. Reading Materials

    8. Quiz - Pranayama Overview

    1. Overview

    2. PowerPoint Video Presentation

    3. Practice Downloads

    4. Practice Video - Swara Awareness

    5. Reading Materials

    6. Quiz - Basic Breathing Methods

    7. Quiz - Breath Expanding Practices

    1. Overview

    2. PowerPoint Video Presentation

    3. Practice Downloads

    4. Practice Video - Full Yogic Breath

    5. Reading Materials

    6. Quiz - Nadis

    1. Overview

    2. PowerPoint Video Presentation

    3. Practice Downloads

    4. Practice Video - Jala Neti

    5. Reading Materials

    6. Quiz - A&P of Respiratory System

About this course

  • $800.00
  • 100 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content