In this series of workshops, yogic principles and practices will be explored to move you closer to your adhyatma, or higher spirit. Learn more about the six vikaras, or deformities of the self that express themselves in our thinking, moods, actions and behaviors. The vikaras are endemic to all of us, desire, anger, greed, infatuation, arrogance, envy. But the extent to which they manifest is along a continuum and can be moved from a more negative expression to a more positive one. This is dependent on developing an awareness of where you are on that continuum and utilizing accessible yoga practices that are integrated into your daily life.

This workshop was conducted online August - September 2023.

Each session will includes a lecture, followed by a guided yoga practice that you can take into your daily life.

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Enrollment is for a period of six months from date of purchase.

Accredited Satyananda Yoga Teachers may use their discount codes at any time.

Workshop eligible for Continuing Education Hours towards accreditation and Yoga Alliance.


Swami Atmarupa began studying Satyananda Yoga® in the early 1980’s. In 1995 she found deep spiritual connection through her guru, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. In 2015 she was named a founding Yoga Acharya of the Yoga Vidya Council representing the yoga teachings of the Bihar School of Yoga in India. She was the Founder and Director of the Atma Center, a yoga center established in 1997. She is the Education Director of the Yoga Academy of North America. She has conducted teacher training for YANA, training students from around world. Swami Atmarupa has taught internationally. In 2019, she was one of the primary presenters at the first International Yoga Nidra Conference held at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. She developed the Satyananda Yoga Nidra® home study and certification course.

Workshop Curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Session 1 Video

    3. Session 1 - Practice Audio & Worksheet

    1. Session 2 Video

    2. Session 2 - Practice Audio & Worksheet

    1. Week 3 Lifework

    2. Week 4 Lifework

    1. Session 3 Video

    2. Session 3 - Practice Audio & Worksheet

    1. Session 4 Video

    2. Session 4 - Practice Audio & Worksheet

About this course

  • $250.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content