Yoga Nidra Teacher Certification Course

With Integrated Home Study

While the concept of Yoga Nidra as psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner awareness is found in ancient texts, the contours of the contemporary practice of Yoga Nidra were developed at the Bihar School of Yoga more than 50 years ago. This course approaches Yoga Nidra within the framework and understanding as developed in this tradition.


“We think of yoga nidra as a relaxation practice, a preliminary
practice of meditation, but it is the simplest technique devised to
give the deepest experience of the cohesiveness of the human mind.”
-Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati



  • When can I start the course?

    This is an on demand course with integrated home study and teacher certification. You may enroll at any time and work at your own pace during the home study portion. You don't need to wait for other students. Give yourself at least nine weeks to complete the home study portion prior to commencing the teacher training portion consisting of pre-recorded online lectures and a couple of live online one-on-one sessions with a senior teacher.

  • How long do I have to complete the course?

    You will have access to the course for one year from the date of enrollment. You must finish you home study and teacher training within that time. At a minimum, the course takes about four and a half months to complete

  • May I request a refund if I decide to drop out of the course?

    Please note that once you enroll in the course we will not issue any refunds should you decide to discontinue the course for any reason.

  • What are my payment options?

    You have the choice of making a single upfront payment of $900 or 3 monthly payments of $315 each.

Part 1: Home Study (Online)

  • Practice

    Systematically experience this wonderful technique. Support your practice with access to optional paid one-on-one consults with one of our senior teachers

  • Relaxation & Transformation

    Experience deep relaxation at all levels of your being - physical, emotional, mental. Begin the process of blossoming into the fullest version of your Self.

  • Live Zoom Sessions

    Join monthly Zoom sessions with senior teachers to pose your questions, further develop your understanding and support your practice. Connect with others enrolled in the course. Available during home study and teacher training portions of the course. Details provided in course. (Optional)

  • Downloadable Materials

    Five yoga nidra recordings. Home practice journal template. Course readings.

  • Duration

    Plan on approximately two months of home study. Work at the suggested pace or at your own pace. Complete the home study portion prior to the teaching portion.


“First you need to remember that you are not a teacher. When you begin to think that you are a yoga teacher, that blocks learning. A student will never block learning. Rather than identifying with being a yoga teacher, it should be the other way around. A teacher should become a more humble student. It is that humble student who eventually becomes a teacher because they don’t close the door of learning." -Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Part 2: Teacher Training (Online)

This portion is conducted fully online through pre-recorded lectures and live one-on-one sessions with a senior teacher.

  • Practice

    Practice yoga nidra using recordings for special conditions to understand how to teach the technique in these instances.

  • Downloadable Materials

    Four yoga nidra recordings for special conditions. Teaching protocols. Course readings.

  • Teacher Training Online

    After completing home study you will let us know that you are ready to proceed to the teacher training phase. Once you are approved you will schedule and attend a live one-on-one session with a senior teacher for Q&A and subsequently will have two weeks to view about six hours of recorded lectures on the teaching protocols. Then you will schedule an online practice teaching session with some of your own students.

  • Student Teaching

    Develop a multi-week course plan and teach yoga nidra to your students. Receive mentoring during the process.

  • Duration

    Following the teacher training lectures and practice sessions, plan on spending about two months teaching yoga nidra as a student teacher. Teaching related home study and submissions are online.

  • Continuing Education Credits

    Eligibility to submit for continuing education: 48 non-contact hours and 4 contact hours at Yoga Alliance upon completion of course (including all quizzes/ assignments/assessment). Also counts for CEUs for Satyananda Yoga accreditation.


Swami Atmarupa began studying Satyananda Yoga® in the early 1980’s. In 1995 she found deep spiritual connection through her guru, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. In 2015 she was named a founding Yoga Acharya of the Yoga Vidya Council representing the yoga teachings of the Bihar School of Yoga in India. She was the Founder and Director of the Atma Center, a yoga center established in 1997. She is the Education Director of the Yoga Academy of North America. She has conducted teacher training for YANA, training students from around world. Swami Atmarupa has taught internationally. In 2019, she was one of the primary presenters at the first International Yoga Nidra Conference held at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. She developed the Satyananda Yoga Nidra® home study and certification course.

Course Requirements

  • Props

    Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down on the back. The following will be handy: a yoga mat and blankets or bolster, if needed, to support the body.

  • Key Text

    Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. This book is available for purchase on Amazon or may be read online for free. Details provided in course.

  • Assignments

    In addition to quizzes, which will be part of the course chapters, short essay assignments will be required. Home practice and student teaching journals to be submitted for evaluation.

  • Assessment

    Following student teaching you will teach and submit a complete Yoga Nidra practice for assessment. Final online quiz. Demonstrate competency to be eligible for teacher certification. Authorization to use Satyananda Yoga Nidra trademark is optional.

Course Curriculum

Enroll at your convenience.

    1. Welcome!

    2. Course Structure & Timeline

    3. Resources

    4. Register for Live Sessions

    5. Video of Previous Live Session

    6. Assessment Structure & Agreement

    1. Video of Previously Held Live Session

    2. Video of Previously Held Live Session

    3. Video of Previously Held Live Session

    4. Video of Previously Held Live Session

    5. Video of Previously Held Live Session

    6. Video of Previously Held Live Session - Guest Speaker on Yoga Nidra for Trauma

    7. Video of Previously Held Live Session

    1. Introductory Yoga Nidra Practice

    1. Overview

    2. PowerPoint Video Presentation

    3. Reading Materials

    1. Overview

    2. PowerPoint Video Presentation

    3. Reading Materials

    4. Swami Satyadharma Saraswati on Pratyahara - Video

    1. Overview

    2. PowerPoint Video Presentation

    3. Reading Materials

About this course

  • $899.00
  • 141 lessons
  • 16 hours of video content